Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Rich Young Ruler

"If you would be perfect, sell all that you have and give to the poor."

Our move from Brentwood, TN to Haiti has been tough, but not in the way you might think.  

Haiti is a country without electricity, running water and sewage systems.  There are few paved roads, no malls and no Starbucks.  The people aren't just hungry, they are starving.  We've moved from one of the richest zip codes in America to the poorest country in the world.  

But surprisingly, that wasn't what was hard.  

Haiti has earthquakes, hurricanes and malaria.  Bone jarring roads, lots of orphans and heat.

But again, we can adapt to that. 

What was hard was selling our stuff. 

I don't mean that it was hard to sell our stuff because we were attached to it.  We weren't. 

It's just takes an incredible amount of work to sell your things.  Things that you've collected over 32 years of marriage, 3 kids and countless pets.  Things that mean something to us but that no one else will buy and sometimes not even take for free.  

It was exhausting work and we are not even through. We've sold, given away and thrown away everything we could but still there's more.  

Once our stuff is gone, we've promised ourselves never to re-accumulate it. It's gone for good.  

It's just too much work.   

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